Our key inventions are advancements in maritime and automation industries, and as private R&D without sales or credits to 'suporting income' = these losses are registered in our "Sweat Equity Investment Holdings" accountabilities for "Global Taxation" by any Nation with such taxation rights on our "Sweat-Equity Investment".
We are free to sprout our Maritime or High Tech anywhere with any partners we find suitable for the project, and until then, all is well here and no one has any claims on our golden holdings.
This freedom is very powerful when employed by wiser investors and inventors who need to grow in burdensome created environment unneededly so to create political or financial credits, prior to justification, as it ends in most inventors costs of patenting what is never used or while developers of new wanted capabilities are the last ones to benefit, unless they are already major vendors in the industry capable of 'unveiling' merging products and services. The small incorporated project represented by a promising and attractive company, is neglected by our appointed Government and Business leaders and visionaries. For the small and gifted, we have created the METHOD yet to be automated, but the best yet now you know exists.
In : Government + Industry + Business + Education