About Us and our FORUM as special grace to all, by our sponsors.

We are a Registry for Pre-patent, Pre-partnership investments in yet new merging commercial Projects - World-Wide.

The founder, is a retired yet active inventor and developer plus special consultant and original lobbyist for our regional inventors'-society and our national plus international HAVES NEEDS WANTS.

We register your "SWEAT EQUITY" investments as records and to witness in cases of claims for loses resulted without your intent or doings.  We promote A Global Taxation Treaty, respecting no duplicated taxations nor duties imposed and not earned, on our registered projects, offshore as well as at set global trading locations of trading members states and nations.

Located on an island in the northwest pacific - we offer the very 1st and Only One Modern Method for Investors and Partners and Service providers to patent and commercialization of new original commercial-projects based on yet new Intellectual Properties.

Our WITNESSING Services, are an extension of our document system created as a new inventor registers A  HAVE Project, an Investor registers A WANT Projects - and as the silent auction and incubation 'sweat equity' is shared - any disputes are served by electronic and where needed, personal witnessing service.

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